Friday, September 10, 2010

attention to painting

My intention to continue the last post has been derailed in a good way. With only so much time set aside daily for creating, painting has won over writing for a season.
Let me explain the paintings I have been doing the past few late evenings. I have created a new page for these "honoring the lovely loser" accessible  on the home page index of pages.
"Theodore:honoring the lovely loser" is the title of this series of post-work, post-dinner quick paintings  I have been doing after everyone in the house is in bed.  This is not the usual me. I am an early morning person. Getting to bed after 10 is one of several radical decisions that speak death to old routines and a sense of normalcy...shaking up old stuff is something I need at this time in my life.

Concerning the subject of these paintings.... I am not seeking to be cute or pander to popular ideas..I am hoping for some degree of honesty in revealing what is deeply meaningful to me. The idea of giving honor to what is inconsequential aligns itself with previous posts about seeing well or seeing with a kind of third eye. The beetle is indigenous to southern NM...or at least to my front porch...where I found him/her and inhumanely ended life for the sake of adding to my stock of models.

Concerning the challenges to my painting style..."tight" would be a fitting adjective for much of my work..not that this is "bad", but in these paintings I am seeking to combine careful seeing with a looser hand.  So far, I am excited about the results.  You might notice the progression in that if , at a later time, I dated the paintings.

Concerning the name...It evolved from a Facebook posting conversation that was kind of organic. Naming work has always been something I have found distasteful and I usually let someone else do it.

I will post more as they dry.  I would covet comments and good criticism. marty

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