Saturday, September 4, 2010

space to create 1

After making the decision that our art, whatever form it takes…writing, drawing, speaking, painting….is worthy of our time, discovering how to insert that creative space of time into our day looms large. It needs to be reasonably free from external interruptions and, even more, the internal ones. It is no wonder, really, that most don’t pursue these creative intentions especially if there is little or no financial gain. The practical usually wins.

On a recent walk I passed a small creek that was flowing under the road. I noticed that as it ran from under the road and down a hill, it suffered a kind of division. A small part of it went off to the left diverted by a rock. I say “suffer” because the mainstream lost energy and the diverted stream had so little substance that it was lost in the tall grass.

I like this divided stream metaphor for many reasons, but particularly when I am realizing the need to follow through on healthy intentions to create. I see whole days consumed with attention to many secondary activities that suck the life out of a resolution to find creative space. Energy is given to the urgent and the important is only sporadically realized. I am convinced that this dearth of space has allowed many DaVincis and Michaelangelos to live and die fruitless.

“Energy follows attention” (next time)

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